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by Kathryn Schutmaat

Volume 1 of this increasingly popular Cello Beginner Book Series by Kathryn Schutmaat is an exceptional, beautifully illustrated, child-friendly approach to the first steps in cello playing. Techniques are introduced with progressive exercises and scales. Fundamentals of music theory are established side by side with enjoyable duets, rounds, and performance solos. Designed for the absolute beginner, this first book covers the 1st position without extensions.

supplements the method book “My Very First Cello Method, Vol. 1” with warm-up exercises, scales, and bowings. Also includes many additional exercises which are designed to help students learn “how to practice”, music theory activities, and space to write down weekly assignments. Beautifully illustrated.

In this excellent, delightful second volume new techniques are introduced and new skills developed. Features include the backward and forward extensions, the 4th and 2nd positions on the A and D strings, scales, arpeggios and broken thirds. Includes 30 songs and solo pieces, 16 duets and rounds, 10 etudes, and music theory lessons throughout. Wonderfully illustrated.

supplements the method book “My Very First Cello Method, Vol. 2” with warm-up exercises, scales, and bowings. Also includes many additional exercises which are designed to help students learn “how to practice”, music theory activities, and space to write down weekly assignments. Beautifully illustrated.

A fine collection of 39 ensemble arrangements comprising duets, trios, and 1 quartet which provide the accompaniment parts for pieces and songs in volumes 1 and 2 of this series. Level 1 ensembles corresponding to volume 1 are all in 1st position. Level 2 covers the backward and forward extensions, as well as the 4th and 2nd positions on the A and D strings.

Magnificent well known melodies from the great composers such as Bach, Brahms, Chopin, Grieg, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, and Mozart among others are skillfully assembled in this third volume. Includes positions ranging from the half to the fourth with their corresponding extensions, as well as the half-string harmonics. Supplemental material such as Cello Duets, by the same author, completes this volume with arrangements supplying additional parts for teachers and students.

Designed to supplement the volume 3 method instruction book by providing the accompaniment parts, both books are intended to be used together. Perfect for individual lessons and group classes furnishing a bass line which makes playing and learning a more enjoyable experience. The arrangements are all at Level 3 which include all positions up to the fourth and the half-string harmonics. Cellists of all ages will be able to benefit from these gratifying and excellently crafted duets.

Un libro excepcional y bellamente ilustrado que utiliza un enfoque sencillo y afable para niños en los primeros pasos para la interpretación del violoncello.

En este excelente y encantador segundo volumen se introducen nuevas técnicas y se desarrollan nuevas habilidades. Estas incluyen las extensiones hacia atrás y hacia adelante y la 4º y 2º posición en las cuerdas La y Re.

Magníficas melodías de los grandes compositores como Bach, Brahms, Grieg, Chopin, Schubert, Tchaikovski y Mozart, entre otros, están hábilmente integradas en este tercer volumen.

Una hermosa colección de 39 arreglos para conjuntos de violoncellos formada por dúos, tríos y 1 cuarteto que proporciona las partes de acompañamiento para piezas y canciones en los volúmenes 1 y 2 de esta serie.

Este libro es ideal para las clases individuales y de grupos ya que facilita las partes de acompañamiento para el volumen 3 y está diseñado para ser utilizado simultáneamente con él.